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Monday, October 23, 2006

I've been Had!!

Well my new realtionship is great i am not complainning (yet) but its funny how after my last blog about how I wish things wouldn't change, things are now changing. Small things like I sleep less at his place and before he would not care to stay after his hockey games with the boys and now it is a concern of his. Those things aren't bothering me but I can feel the changes coming on. I hate that- when men act all perfect and give up anything for you at first then slowly start reverting back to their single ways. They trick you!! You think you found the one man in the universe willing to not be like every other guy, he sucks you in, the whameee the "boys nights, etc" creep back slowly! You just feel jipped in the end. Im not at that point yet but I am expectting it! (and yes I am in a bitter mood!)