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Thursday, May 26, 2005

Its so weird how people treat you differently when you are single then when you are attached. When I am single my phone is always ringing, Im constantly being asked to go places and I am never at home watching TV. When I meet someone its like I have the plague. "Oh I guess Erin wont come out now-shes got a boyfriend". What a joke! I go out more then any single person I know. You also stop getting those random calls form guys- you know the hopefull ones everytime you break up they creep around just waitting to pounce on you when you are A-vulnerable b) Drunk c) both together. Ive had my share of those but mostly when I have been drunk. WARNING TO NEWLY BROKEN UP PEOPLE: ALCOHOL MAKES YOU THINK GUYS ARE ATTRACTIVE WHEN THEY REALLY MAKE YOU WANT TO THROW UP IN YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU ARE SOBER!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

uh oh

Well well. I guess not everything is perfect in new relationships. I guess a little down the line you realize the peron is not exactly 100 percent who you want them to be. I mean thats okay no one is a saint- but what do you do when the person you like involves themselves in something that is not attractive to you- whether it being drugs, who they hang out with, an action, etc. Do you call them on it or do you ignore it and hope that YOU will change and not caer about it anymore. We all know changing ourselves is soooooooooooo easy...lol. I guess as we go on in relationships we do not tolorate what we dislike as mich and stick to our guns about what we like. I dont want to date a guy who does drugs. That is not a bad thing. Just kinda sucks when you like a person!