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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

What's on my mind today is living. I recently had a death in the family which has made it more clear yet again that we are not invincible and yes one day we will die. Sad and Depressing, I know. But what is more depressing is the thought that I do not necessarily feel alive right now. I feel like I am going through the motions. School, work, car payments, visa dept, phone bill, stress, etc. The list goes on. Of course I have my friends, fun times and leisure activities. But somehow, I don't feel ALIVE!! I am not sure what it missing....I am not a crazy risky person, bumgy jumping and sky diving don't appeal to me. Although I have heard that can make you feel alive (could it be because you have the risk of dying?!?!). Would drinking a cup of bleach have the same affect after you wake up from getting your stomach pumped??? Anyways maybe I am being a brat and not appreciating what I do have...Great friends, my health, family and the luck of living in a great country!!! Needless to say I could create some more excitement....LETS GO STREAKING!!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Men that are THERE

What does "there" mean.....
How of times have you met a guy, hit it off only then to realize there is something wrong. He doesn't have his own place, he is not ambitious, he isin't romantic enough, he is self absorbed, he isin't tall enough, etc. And, how many times you you think "this will change in time", "I can fix him", or "that won't bug me in a year"? I can bet most of you have. What I want to know is where are the men that are not in transission, where are the men that are "there"?. Grown up, have their own places, RRSP's. Money in the bank, ambittion, appreciative, giving, and likes to spend time with your friends, etc. Out of all the men I know I cannot fully say that there is one man who is "there" yet. It really scares me. Women have fought so strong to be self sufficient and independant but has that made our men lazy????? Now that they do not have to be the bread winners, has their sence of ambittion become over drawn by their sence of laziness. That is a scary thought!! What is even scarier is the thought of meeting a guy who is "there" and how to deal with him!!!!!