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Thursday, May 26, 2005

Its so weird how people treat you differently when you are single then when you are attached. When I am single my phone is always ringing, Im constantly being asked to go places and I am never at home watching TV. When I meet someone its like I have the plague. "Oh I guess Erin wont come out now-shes got a boyfriend". What a joke! I go out more then any single person I know. You also stop getting those random calls form guys- you know the hopefull ones everytime you break up they creep around just waitting to pounce on you when you are A-vulnerable b) Drunk c) both together. Ive had my share of those but mostly when I have been drunk. WARNING TO NEWLY BROKEN UP PEOPLE: ALCOHOL MAKES YOU THINK GUYS ARE ATTRACTIVE WHEN THEY REALLY MAKE YOU WANT TO THROW UP IN YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU ARE SOBER!!!

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