FUTURE FUTURE FUUTURE!! Is that all we have to think about in terms of relationships? I am in a trully great relationship (and I realize that more after my birthday) and have been worried so much about my future and if I see one with him. I am young (only 19!!) and I am not at th epoint where I want to be married or have kids so why is that on my mind. Well obvious reasons I dont want to get attatched or I dont want to waste my time. Well I have adressed those two issues recently. One...being attched...well I already am so I dont have to worry about that. And yes, I care alot about him but I know of he broke up I would be okay and that that lide goes on. From having my heart distroyed a few year ago I know that now. It seems like you would say : if it was true love you couldnt live without him. Well I had love and I am still living even though I didn't end up with that person. Now about wasting time...I have realized that being happy and less stressed in my life because I have this great guy cannot possibly be a waste of time. I am not interested in anyone else nor do I wish to meet anyone else. SO there you go my lecture about the future!