How is it possible that I have so many ex-boyfriends in one tiny area. I cannot go out without seeing one of them or hearing about what they are up to. I dont know whats worse; knowing or not knowing? Does knowing help you move on or just hurt you too much... In one case know that hearing your ex is with someone new definetly helps you move on and out of a unhealthy path. But lately Ive been hearing about other exes and I dont really need to go there anymore. Why does it seem like every guy I go out with gets stupider and more immature to me after we brake up? How can you not see the things you see in a person after you guys are no longer together. I think I need break up glasses when I first meet someone to see how they really are before I commit. I am now single again and have nothing bad to say about my ex. He was sweet and wonderfull. It was my fault we broke up and my feelings. And I definetly dont need to hear about hima nd who hes will least for now it woudl hurt too much.